As a student I used to draw on myself during class, mostly my left arm…
Then later I studied technical drafting applied in my field for 4 years.
Eventually friends convinced me to get tattoo gear for doing at least basic lettering and symbols, I also started tattooing myself, my left arm and right leg. I’ve inked many things since without any style nor direction, if I do want to develop a style in the future it would be Drafting / Sketch like.
My portfolio so far screams amateurism, well, because it is, I’m grateful for the couchsurfers, friends and coworkers who had the balls to get inked by me over the years on three continents !
My ‘guinea pigs’ including myself were and are well aware of Sterilization safety.
I do not claim to be a tattoo artist, I am not a pro and not equipped to do so.
My services are not advertised.


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